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Brown Rice Diet Report from M

Day 1

I got through the day and nothing much was different until the evening when I started to feel really tired. I just went to bed early.


Day 2

I woke feeling tired, it didn’t lift all day. I felt sluggish but I continued.

I had two bowel movements (BMs) they were dark in colour and quite smelly. The second one seemed like I eliminated a lot. There was a slight feeling of constipation but it was not painful and did not last too long. On this day I felt that my mood was low and heavy.

疲れを感じながら目覚め、一日中調子が上がらず、だるい感じが続きました。2回お通じがありましたが、色は暗く、結構 臭いがありました。 2回目はたくさん出ました。わずかに便秘感がありましたが、痛みはなく、長続きはしませんでした。この日はずっと気分が低く重く感じました。

Day 3

I felt tired and a heaviness about my body. I did a yoga practice (I do this daily) but it was really difficult with the heaviness that I felt. I also had a headache, which lasted all through the day. But I noticed that I had 3 BMs. The colour was lighter that the previous day but it seemed like I was eliminating a lot of material. They were long full BMs. I had to take a rest in the late afternoon, when I slept for two hours. I also felt some aches in my joints, mostly in my fingers and knee joints. My mood was low for most of the day.

疲れて体が重く感じましたが、ヨガの練習をしました(毎日しています)が、体が重くて本当に困りました。頭痛が一日中続きました。でも、3回もお通じがありました。前日より色が薄くなり たくさんの食材を消化しているかのようで、長さも立派な良い排便でした。午後遅く、2時間寝る休憩が必要でした。また、関節、主に指や膝に痛みを感じました。気分はほとんど一日中低かったです。

Day 4

I continued to feel tired (this was my primary symptom throughout the diet), however I also noticed that I was feeling better. I did not have any headache and aches I had felt were gone. Again I had 3 BMs, one was quite small, but I still had the urge to eliminate. The smell from the BM’s was not bad. The colour was not dark as on the first day, it was brown and they were full long stools. With each BM I felt that I was fully emptying my bowels.

倦怠感は続いていました(これがチャレンジ中の主な症状でした)が、気分が良くなっていることにも気づきました。昨日までの頭痛や関節痛はなくなりました。また、3回お通じがありました。1回はかなり少量で、まだ便秘感がありました。 便の匂いは悪くありませんでした。色は初日ほど暗くなく、茶色で、しっかりと長い便でした。お通じがあるたびに、自分の腸を完全に空にしていっていると感じました。

Day 5

This day I felt good, although I did get a feeling or a craving for chocolate, I had more rice and beans and I felt that the salt satisfied the craving for chocolate. I had 2 BMs on day 5. The colour and consistency was the same as the previous day. One was not long after rising in the morning and I felt really good for the rest of the day. My mood was good as I was feeling lighter in my body. I also felt good that I had done the five days on the diet.


Day 6

Again, I had a BM early in the morning, this felt natural and good to eliminate early in the day. I felt a lightness and a calmness about myself. I made the miso soup for the first time today. I really enjoyed it. I love the taste and the lightness of it. I actually had two bowels of it during the day. I had a second BM later in the day and it gave me a feeling that my bowel was working really well. I did have a thought of whether I should continue with the diet and try to go 14 days but, since it was my first time I decided to just do 7 days. My mood was definitely better and also I noticed that I was sleeping better at night. I did take a rest in the afternoon when I fell asleep for an hour. I just thought that my body needed it so I went with how I felt. Ordinarily I would try to fight it and not lie down for a rest.

I also took my 40 minute walk everyday (some days a little more) and today I noticed that I was lighter in my step as I had more energy.



Day 7

Today I still had brown rice and aduki beans but I also had miso soup with vegetables. I added carrots and spring onions. I only added these two because I think they are easy to digest. The soup was light and so tasty. I think I have really developed a taste for miso soup. I used the Clearspring white miso paste. I had two BMs again on this day. This is very good for me because some days I would have none and the norm is that I only have one per day. They were not really smelly, they were well formed and while not too soft they were easy to pass. This is something I am grateful for. I often get constipation and I have always been told that my gut problems are Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). However, during the 7 days, I found it so easy to digest the rice and beans I did not have any gut issues. I sense that I have actually improved my gut function. My mood is good and I am delighted to have completed the 7 days. Also, I am happy to have learned how to make miso soup from scratch.

Now, I feel that this was a success and it was good for me.



IBSでお悩みの方に、七号食はとても効果があります。15年来悩まれていた方の他 IBSが好転した方は複数名いらっしゃいますよ〜。パン食をやめて玄米食にするだけで大きな福音です。😊


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